Water Cult Warrior and Adult White Dragon expansions revealed.

Hello folks,

The Nationals for DNDAW were on Sunday and the remainder of Wave 6 (Water Cult Warrior and Adult White Dragon), Bahamut, and The Premium Ancient Silver Dragon units all showed up. The Water Cult Warrior and Adult White Dragon were revealed by Derek, who won a complete Wave 6 set along with Bahamut, and revealed the cards over on Board Game Geek.

As soon as Bahamut’s cards are posted somewhere, we’ll add them to the Legion Builder as well. For now, here’s the Water Cult Warrior and Adult White Dragon.

Wave 6: Water Cult Warrior

Aeryn Crestin and the Water Cult Warrior plus these Upgrades have been added:

Giant Toad
Swallow Whole
Crabshell Shield
Freedom of Movement
Frost Brand

Wave 6: Adult White Dragon

Nidhogrym and the White Dragon plus these Upgrades have been added:

Cold Breath
Evil Sorcerer
Blade Ward
Witch Bolt
Brooch of Shielding

WizKids @ The Game Manufacturers Association Trade Show

Images from the GAMA Trade Show, which runs from March 16th through 20th, have been floating around the web for the last few days. These images have given us some additional information.

We’ve tried to collect it here:

First, let’s start with the next Premium figure, Bahamut!

The Bahamut figure can be seen over at figures.com (along with lots of other figures)


Bahamut, image from figures.com


If you zoom in on that image and squint a bit, you can make out some of the details for Bahamut:

He has 3 Dragon Upgrade slots, 1 Arcane Upgrade slot, and 1 Divine Upgrade slot, a Primary Weapon Value of 6, an Agility of 0, 10 Health, and 4 Armor. He has Dodge, Feint, Target, and Concentrate on his Action bar and his unique ability is:

All other friendly Good Creatures within

Range 1 of Bahamut roll +1 attack die.

So Bahamut seems like he would work best as a team player in a large Legion. Of course, he is another figure on the huge 6″ by 6″ base, so there’s limited room on the battlefield for allies … there’s also limited room on a 120 point Legion, as Bahamut costs 84 before you give him any upgrades.

There have been quite a few other pictures which reveal information. Over on boardgamegeek.com, user Michael Van Biesbrouck apparently has much better eyes than me and has pulled this information from the pictures:

[Adult] White dragon upgrades sitting on the shelf: Vicious (disables upgrades of your victims — probably from melee, but covered), Frozen, Evil Sorcerer (4-point dragonrider that will add an extra Arcane slot and has a 3DT ability I couldn’t make out) and Brooch of Shielding (3-point campaign artifact; +2 defence dice against spells and protection from Magic Missile).

Young Blue [Dragon]: 3/1/3/1 stats at level 4. Evade, target and concentrate.

Pegasus: 3/3/4/0 at level 12 (36 points, Bellatoris?), level 7 (28 points) for the generic. Evade, charge and feint … wonder how it will deal damage. 4 Monster slots. Name has +? defence dice against ranged attacks.

Adult White [Dragon]: 4/1/5/1 at level 8 with the ability to turn a concentrate into a hit; evade, charge and target. 3 Dragon and 1 Arcane slots.

Water Cult Warrior: 3/2/4/0 at level 9, all actions except charge.

Earth Cult Warrior Level 7, 3/1/?/? evade/charge/target.

WizKids also talked about its upcoming Organize Play events, including DNDAW:

Elemental Evil Organized Play

Image from figures.com

So we know we’re getting an Earth Genasi Fighter and an Air Elemental as prizes for the July and August Elemental Evil Organized Play tournaments.

Here’s a picture (original source unknown, but found on Facebook), just because I think the Pegasus looks cool:


Tiamat added to Legion Builder

Premium 1: Tiamat has been added to the Legion Builder!

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Terrifying Tiamat!

She’s here! And scary:


Thanks to Marv Cole for the photos!

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Another Premium Figure announced – Silver Dragon

This is the third huge figure announced by Wiz Kids, following the previously announced Tiamat and Bahamut figures.

Huge Silver Dragon Premium Figure

The idea of Vakka having a bigger brother or sister (or parent) is a little scary! No indication if this is another Ancient Silver like Vakka yet.

The expected release is listed for June 2015!
