Sorry for the delay folks, but we’re happy to announce that Bahamut has now been added to the Legion Builder.
Premium 2: Bahamut
Bahamut and these Upgrades have been added:
Cold Breath
Disintegration Breath
King of the Good Dragons
Holy Aura
Ossalur, the third Premium figure, an Ancient Silver Dragon, should be up soon.
Sorry, but how is Disintegration Breath better than any other type of breath attack? What am I getting for my 1 extra point?
Unlike Fire, Cold, Acid, and other elemental breaths, there are no Creatures who get automatic evades against a Disintegration Breath.
Also in scenarios such as OP4 this breath would pierce the cart and walls. I would have killed to have it for that scenario
Definitely worth an extra point if you have to deal with Fortification.
It also works against Calamity and frozen gargoyles as it ignores armor instead of just penatrating.