Santagos is here!

santagosSantagos is here!

He’s promised not to eat anyone until he gets hungry!

Go sit on his lap and tell us what Dungeons and Dragons: Attack Wing figures you want!

What are you looking forward to most for DnDAW?

More dragons? The Mind Flayer? The Beholder?

Let Santagos know!


  1. Santagos, I want more dragons!

  2. Santagos, more troops and- more importantly- more troop upgrades!

  3. More competitive play events and fan base support!

  4. Gem Dragons.

  5. Griffins would be pretty awsome

  6. Terrence Rideau says

    Dwarves and more infantry types!!!

  7. Frank DiVincenzo says

    Younger dragons. Perhaps even a “troop squad” of younger dragons.

  8. More giants… Like the fire giant. Of course the mentioned Mind Flayer and The Beholder would be awesome.

  9. James Jones says

    Tarrasque, please.


  1. […] Santagos is here! December 24, 2014 […]