DNDAW Glossary

Adornments of Tiamat

These are participation rewards for participating in the first set of Organized Play events.

  1. Any Artifact with the word “Tiamat” in its title is considered an Artifact of Tiamat. A player can include multiple Artifacts of Tiamat in his Legion, as long as each Artifact is equipped by a different Creature.
  2. The Artifacts of Tiamat feature the Universal Upgrade Icon, which means that Creatures can use any Upgrade slot to equip them.

Air Elemental Token

  1. When an Air Elemental is summoned, place 2 [DT] on this Reference Card. When the last [DT] is removed from this card, remove the Air Elemental Token from play.
  2. The Air Elemental is a flying Neutral Creature that is the same Level as (and under the control of) the Creature that summoned it. It can be damaged normally, but it is immune to critical effects.
  3. The Air Elemental does not move or perform Actions. During the Combat Phase, it can attack up to 2 different Creatures at Range 1 – 3 in any direction (ground and / or air) using its Primary Weapon Value. These attacks penetrate Armor.


  1. For card text purposes, Bahamut is considered to be an “Ancient Dragon” with a “large base.”
  2. During SetUp for 2 players, Bahamut can be placed anywhere within Range 1 – 3 of his starting edge.
  3. The “Crush” Upgrade is considered an Area Attack when used against Troops.

Charm Token

A Creature with a Charm Token suffers the following effects:

  1. The Creature who placed the Charm Token selects the Charmed Creature’s maneuver, altitude change, Action, and attacks. If the Creature who placed the Charm Token damages the Charmed Creature, immediately remove the Charm Token.
  2. If the Charmed Creature’s maneuver would place it outside of the play area or within Range 2 of the edge of the play area, the Charmed Creature does not move.
  3. If the Charmed Creature’s attack might affect a Creature that is friendly to it, the Charmed Creature first rolls 2 defense dice. If it rolls at least 1 [Dodge] result, the Charmed Creature does not attack.


The Incorporeal reference card comes with the Wraith expansion (Wave 1).

  1. Incorporeal Creatures are unaffected by Obstacles of any kind.
  2. An Incorporeal Creature’s Primary Weapon Melee attacks penetrate Armor unless that Armor is provided by a Spell.
  3. Each time an Incorporeal Creature defends against a Primary Weapon attack, it may convert 1 of its [Concentrate] results into an [Evade] result.


  1. For card text purposes, Ossalur is considered to have a “large base.”
  2. During SetUp for 2 players, Ossalur can be placed anywhere within Range 1 – 3 of his starting edge.

Paralysis Token

A Creature with a Paralysis Token suggers the following effects:

  1. If a Creature in the air receives a Paralysis Token, it immediately lands. The Creature must then roll 2 attack dice and sustain damage from all [Hit] and [Critical Hit] results. The Creature does not roll defense dice or use Armor to deflect this damage.
  2. The affected Creature cannot move or plan a maneuver during the Planning Phase.
  3. The affected Creature cannot change altitude, perform Actions, or attack, nor can it roll any defense dice.

Regalia of Bahamut

These are participation rewards for participating in the first set of Organized Play events.

  1. Any Artifact with the word “Bahamut” in its title is considered an Artifact of Bahamut. A player can include multiple Artifacts of Bahamut in his Legion, as long as each Artifact is equipped by a different Creature.
  2. The Artifacts of Bahamut feature the Universal Upgrade Icon, which means that Creatures can use any Upgrade slot to equip them.Adornments of Tiamat


The Shadow reference card comes with the Black Shadow Dragon expansion (Wave 2).

  1. Shadow Creatures are considered to be “in darkness” when they are in an Adventure that specifies that it is dimly lit or takes place outside at night. Shadow Creatures are also considered “in darkness” when they are within range of a Darkness Spell.
  2. Each time a Shadow Creature defends while it is in darknes, it may convert 1 of its [Concentrate] results into an [Evade] result.
  3. A Shadow Creature that ends a Feint Action in darkness does not receive an Exhaustion Token.

Sleep Token

The Sleep Token reference card comes with the Ancient Brass Dragon (OP2 Prize).

A Creature with a Sleep Token suffers the following effects:

  1. The Creature loses all Exhaustion Tokens.
  2. If a flying Creature receives a Sleep Token, it immediately lands safely.
  3. The affected Creature cannot move or plan a maneuver during the Planning Phase.
  4. The affected Creature cannot change altitude, perform Actions or attack, nor can it roll any defense dice.
  5. As soon as a Creature with a Sleep Token sustains damage, remove the Sleep Token. The Creature may now act normally.

Snatch Token

A Creature with a Snatch Token suffers the following effects:

  1. The Creature cannot choose a maneuver, move, change altitude, perform Actions, attack, or roll defense dice.
  2. The Creature discards all Altitude Tokens and receives an Altitude Token that matches that of the Snatching Creature, if any.
  3. If the Creature falls to the ground, it lands and rolls 2 attack dice. The Creature sustains damage from all [Hit] and [Critical Hit] results. The Creature does not roll defense dice or use Armor to deflect this damage.

Swallowed Whole Token

A Creature with a Swallowed Whole Token suffers the following effects:

  1. Remove the affected Creature from the play area. It is considered out of play and cannot affect or be affected by anything new that happens in the play area. All existing Effects continue to affect the Creature, however.
  2. The affected Creature sustains 1 normal damage that penetrates Armor at the start of the End Phase. This has no effect against Acid Creatures.
  3. When the Effect ends, the affected Creature places itself within Range 1 of your Creature facing the direction of its choice.


  • For card text purposes, Tiamat is considered a “Red Dragon,” Blue Dragon,” “Green Dragon,” “Black Dragon,” “White Dragon,” and an “Ancient Dragon.” She is also considered to have a “large base.”
  • During SetUp for 2 players, Tiamat can be placed anywhere within Range 1 – 3 of her starting edge.
  • The “Crush” Upgrade is considered an Area Attack when used against Troops.

More to be added as more is revealed!