Archives for October 2015

Happy Halloween! Vrock Demon and Premium Brass Dragon added to the Legion Builder

This is Halloween! This is Halloween!

Sure, Nightmare came out last month, and that would be a great release for Halloween, but we’ll have to deal with the Vrock Demon and Premium Brass Dragon instead.

Wave OP 10: Vrock Expansion

Chalthazar and the Bestial Fiend plus these Upgrades have been added:

Stunning Screech
Demon Spores
Dance of Ruin

And here is the new cards that you receive for participating:
Party Leader

Party Leader helps you build adventuring parties!

And you’ll need a party to take on Vargachir.

Vargachir plus these Upgrades have been added:

Flame Breath
Sleep Breath
Heroic Allies
Half-Elf Bard
Sleet Storm

Oh hey, Heroic Allies will work nicely with your new adventuring party!